How to Ask Questions

Or… How Not to Provide Outside Assistance

  • Coaches need to be aware that the WAY a question is asked may limit the creativity of the answers. Here are some general, all-purpose questions you can use with your team(s):
  • Do you think any other team would think of this?
  • Can you think of a more creative way to do this?
  • What other materials could be used to (create this effect, to make this move, to make it lighter in weight, to make it funnier, etc.)?
  • What kinds of things do we need to find out in order to do this?
  • How else could you…?
  • Why did this happen?
  • Where could you find out?
  • Is this your best…?
  • Does this meet the standard?
  • Is this job done?
  • What do we mean by style?
  • What should be done?
  • When should it be done?
  • Who should do it?
  • Can this be tested?
  • Can we combine ideas?
  • Why is it necessary?
  • How else could this be arranged?
  • What should come next?
  • What makes sense? What makes nonsense?
  • What could be said? What could be left unsaid?
  • Have you considered where the points are?
  • What are the pros of your solution? What are the cons?
  • Are you satisfied with your idea/work/solution/performance?
  • Do you feel like you are “in the box” or “out of the box”?
  • If you were judging this problem how would you score your solution?
  • Are you respectful of your team members’ ideas?
  • What do you think each of your team members strengths are?
  • Are your team members’ strengths being utilized?
  • If you were coaching this team how would you handle this conflict?
  • If you were coaching this team where would you take the team to have a fun afternoon off?
  • Can you think of a good field trip that would relate to your problem?
  • Will it fit through a door?
  • How many people will it take to move it?
  • How will you get “it” to competition? If we only have a car, will it fit in a car? a van? will we need a truck? a trailer?
  • Can you check out the survivability of the prop?
  • Will it fit in a van (or whatever is being used to transport props/backgrounds to competition)?


  • What would you like to use for your free choice elements?
  • Why are these elements special?
  • What are you most proud of? Why?
  • What is the neatest part of your solution?
  • What makes your performance really shine?
  • Good questioning can really help elevate your team’s solution and enjoyment of creative problem solving, without introducing outside assistance.